While you should develop the habit of saving money in a bank for the
sake of old age and rainy days, you must also start the habit of making
deposits in the Spiritual Bank, so that you can truly be ‘saved’. The
currency and metals accepted in the Divine Bank are Truth, Love and
Right Conduct. All words, feelings, actions, thoughts ringing with
purity of these metals will be gladly accepted as deposits. So, as you
take care of your savings deposit in the many worldly banks, you must
make it a point to have an account and grow it in the Bank of the Divine
too. When you are hard-pressed for money, you approach your bank
seeking loans. The bank will help you, but only in proportion to your
deposits. Similarly your Divine Banker will save you from distress and
grief very quickly, if you have deposited with Him the wealth of Truth,
Love, Right Conduct and Peace.
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