Thursday, 27 September 2012

Thought for the Day

There are some people, who always condemn themselves and their lives, and aspire for the grace of God to save them. They think that jeeva (individual) and Deva (Almighty) are two separate entities and can never merge or unite. This is untrue. Sin is not the real nature of human beings. They are repositories of peace, joy, truth and justice and are pure, good, loving and wise. Endeavour to express through your actions, the purity that you are. This pleases the Lord and He will shower His grace. Pray for even those who express greed or hate, sympathize with their ignorance and pray that their steps may be directed towards justice and love. Expand your love to as wide a circle as possible. Prayer has great efficacy. Cultivate the universal vision and pray for the peace and happiness of all mankind, of all animate and inanimate things.

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