Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Thought for the Day

When you feed the cow with fermented gruel so that it may yield more milk, the milk emits an unpleasant smell. When you engross yourself too much with the trifles of the world, your character and conduct will also become unpleasant. It would indeed be tragic to witness the downfall of a ‘child of immortality’, struggling in despair and distress. If only you were to ask yourself: “What are my qualifications? What is my position? What are the opportunities I am bestowed with?” Then you will soon realize your own downfall and make efforts to recover. Will a tiger, however hungry eat popcorn or peanuts? Stay focussed on the goal worthy of your lineage. Never slacken the effort, whatever be the obstacle, however long the journey. Keep your efforts on, in line with the dignity of your noble goals.

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