Meditate upon the flute of Krishna and the melody it aroused in the
veins of mankind, animals, birds, plants and even hills, rivers and
rocks on sand dunes. Dwell also on the supreme love of the Gopis, their
surrender of everything, gross and subtle, of ego and egoistic
attachment at the feet of the Supreme Being. They spoke no word except
prayer, they moved no step, except towards God, they saw and heard only
Krishna in every being, they spoke every word of Him, to Him, no matter
who was present with them. Lord Krishna filled their hearts and
transmuted them into the most self-effacing group of devotees the world
has ever seen. And know that the Lord’s assurance, "Yogakshemam
Vahaamyaham" (I shall take care of the well being of My devotees) is no
empty declaration; it is the vow of the Lord, and He is the very
embodiment of Truth.
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