Many worry themselves with questions on the multiplicity of Divinity.
The same current activates the fan and gives air, illumines the bulb and
gives light, heats the stove and cooks, moves the wheels around in a
train. The instruments are different, but the inner energizer is the
same. Some bulbs are 40 watts and some are 60, 100 or 1000 watts.
Hence, though the current is one, the illumination varies. Name and form
are not essential, focus on the inner truth. Take the case of your own
body - the hand is a limb of the body, the hand has fingers, the fingers
have nails and so on. Through every part of this and every other limb,
flows the same life force. So too, in this universe, which is the body
of God, every being is a part, sustained by the same divine essence. So
honour everyone, revere the essential Divine.
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