If you want to light a lamp, you
need four things - a container, oil, a wick and a match box. If any one
of these is lacking, you cannot light the lamp. Similarly, to light the
lamp of spiritual wisdom in your heart, you need – the container of
detachment, wick of one-pointed concentration, matchstick of wisdom and
the oil of devotion. Of these, the spirit of detachment (vairagya) is
crucial. Detachment means absence of body attachment. The sense of
possessiveness (mamakara) and the ego-feeling are the causes of this
raga (disease). Eradicate this disease of attachment through the process
of self-enquiry. When you realise the impermanence of the body and all
the sensory experiences, you will naturally acquire detachment
(vairagya). Discharge all your duties as an offering to God and treat
your body solely as a God-given instrument for the purpose of serving
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