I desire that festivals should be celebrated, understanding their inner
significance. Deepavali is a special day for getting rid of all the bad
qualities in us. As long as the demonic qualities remain, you will be
immersed in darkness. The destruction of the demon Narakasura symbolizes
destruction of evil and restoration of virtuousness. Also, on Deepavali
day, a whole array of lamps are lit by the light from one lamp. That
One lamp symbolises the Supreme Effulgent Lord. The other lamps are the
light in individual selves. The truth of the Vedic saying, "The One
willed to become the Many" (Ekoham Bahushyaam) is exemplified by the
lighting of lamps from the flame of one. Another significant fact is
that, wherever the lamp may be placed, the flame goes upwards only and
never down. Likewise, the flame of Spiritual Wisdom (Jnana) always leads
you to a sublime level through the path of Righteousness.
Prasanthi Nilayam is the main ashram of Sathya Sai Baba, located in the village of Puttaparthi, the hamlet where Sathya Sai Baba was born."Prasanthi Nilayam" means literally "Abode of the Highest Peace".
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
Monday, 12 November 2012
Thought for the Day
If you want to light a lamp, you
need four things - a container, oil, a wick and a match box. If any one
of these is lacking, you cannot light the lamp. Similarly, to light the
lamp of spiritual wisdom in your heart, you need – the container of
detachment, wick of one-pointed concentration, matchstick of wisdom and
the oil of devotion. Of these, the spirit of detachment (vairagya) is
crucial. Detachment means absence of body attachment. The sense of
possessiveness (mamakara) and the ego-feeling are the causes of this
raga (disease). Eradicate this disease of attachment through the process
of self-enquiry. When you realise the impermanence of the body and all
the sensory experiences, you will naturally acquire detachment
(vairagya). Discharge all your duties as an offering to God and treat
your body solely as a God-given instrument for the purpose of serving
Sunday, 11 November 2012
Thought for the Day
When a man falls into a well, of what use is it if he controls his voice
and his emotions and whispers quietly, "I have fallen into this well.. I
have fallen into this well... I am in great danger... Please save me?”
and so on. No one will be able to hear or save him. He must shout
full-throated, with all the anguish he is experiencing and with the
extreme desire to be saved. Then he can hope to get succour. Similarly,
when you are caught in the coils of this world, when you have fallen
into this deep well of worldly misery, shout with all your might and all
your heart, that you may be saved by God. There is no use muttering
faintly and half-heartedly, "Save me... I am floundering in this samsaar
(worldly life)." When the prayer comes shrieking through the heart,
help is assured. Sing with intense yearning for God and enjoy the
experience of adoring Him.
Saturday, 10 November 2012
Thought for the Day
You must probe into the real significance of samkeerthan (or Bhajan
singing) that you are engaged in. Keerthan is ‘singing aloud the Glory
of God.’ Samkeerthan is the process of singing that originates in the
heart, not from the lips or tongue. It is the expression of the joyous
thrill that wells up from the heart when the Glory of God is remembered.
It is the spontaneous manifestation of inner ecstasy, no attention is
paid to the blame or praise that others may give. It does not seek the
admiration or the appreciation of the listeners. It is sung for one's
own joy, satisfaction and delight. Keerthan of this supreme type, alone,
deserves the name samkeerthan. It is with this high purpose in view
that this programme of global samkeerthan was designed. Singing this
intense yearning for God and enjoying the experience of adoring Him,
helps to purify the atmosphere. It is with this high purpose in view
that this programme of global Akhanda Bhajan was designed.
Friday, 9 November 2012
Thought for the Day
The first step to love all and serve all is to expand love in your own
homes. You must revere and please your parents who gave you this chance
to live and learn. If you ill-treat them or inflict grief on their
minds, how can you ever gladden others by service and understanding? You
know that when a balloon is blown, it bursts and the air inside it
merges with the vast limitless expanse outside. Similarly your love must
fill your home, then the society you live, and finally burst open to
spread in the Universe. A drop of water held in the palm is soon
evaporated; but drop it into the sea and it survives as a part of the
sea. It assumes the name and the taste, the majesty and might of the
sea! Cultivate Love; sow the seeds of love in all hearts, everywhere
around you. That is My Wish, My Mission!
Thursday, 8 November 2012
Thought for the Day
When students score low marks parents feel great grief. Similarly, when
we fall low in morals and spiritual virtues, our motherland bemoans her
fate ten times more sadly. We have to assuage the grief of the physical
mother and promote the peace and prosperity of our motherland. The
motherland is not a mere lump of earth. When we desire her progress, we
have to promote the progress of the people who dwell therein. The skills
needed for resuscitating and reforming are found in youth. The
reforming process involves the removal, in daily living, of bad conduct
and bad habits, and the practice of good conduct and good deeds. You
must express your humility, fortitude, equanimity, and gratitude for
kindness received, in various acts in your daily life, every day.
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
Thought for the Day
All worldly pleasures are transient and temporary. Very often they
result in sorrow and disappointment. You often experience loss,
depression and confusion and have no contentment. Know that lack of
contentment is the real loss (Asantrupto nijo nashtah). There is no
limit to desires. One feels hungry, another is thirsty. If the thirsty
man is offered water, he is not satisfied, he wants a cool drink. When
he is given a cool drink, next he wants ice cream, and so on. He is not
satisfied with anything. Realize that there is no end to desires for
material things in the world. To get rid of these desires, one must turn
their mind towards God. The purpose of human birth is to realise the
inherent Divinity. That is the way to achieve contentment and lasting
bliss. God alone is the source of enduring bliss.
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Thought for the Day
Egoism is the most dangerous illusion that has to be exploded and
destroyed. Arjuna too suffered this ego. One day when Krishna brought
the chariot back to camp, Arjuna wanted that like all charioteers,
Krishna should get down first and open the door of the chariot for him.
Krishna refused and insisted that Arjuna should alight before He does.
At last Krishna won and Arjuna got down. As soon as Krishna left His
seat and touched the ground, the chariot went up in flames! The fact was
that the various fiery arrows that had the power of burning the chariot
had actually hit the target, but due to the presence of Krishna, their
igniferous powers could not manifest themselves. Realising this humbled
Arjuna; his egoism had a rude shock. He also realised that every action
of Divinity was full of significance.
Monday, 5 November 2012
Thought for the Day
You must take care of your body, which is the case for the Divine Spark,
until its purpose of Self-Realization is fulfilled. But its nourishment
and care should not overshadow the attention due to the mind, its
purification and sublimation. Now the body is nourished with breakfast
in the morning, lunch at noon, snack break at 4 PM and dinner at night.
The body is the cart and the mind is the horse that drags it.
Unfortunately no food is given to the horse, which is really the more
valuable of the two. Give the mind and culturing of the mind, the
importance it deserves, only then life is worth living. The mind has to
be hale and hearty, joyous and peaceful, free from agitations and
worries. You can keep it happy by recitation of holy names and doing
noble acts that helps the wellbeing of all. This will confer you
everlasting joy.
Sunday, 4 November 2012
Thought for the Day
Many worry themselves with questions on the multiplicity of Divinity.
The same current activates the fan and gives air, illumines the bulb and
gives light, heats the stove and cooks, moves the wheels around in a
train. The instruments are different, but the inner energizer is the
same. Some bulbs are 40 watts and some are 60, 100 or 1000 watts.
Hence, though the current is one, the illumination varies. Name and form
are not essential, focus on the inner truth. Take the case of your own
body - the hand is a limb of the body, the hand has fingers, the fingers
have nails and so on. Through every part of this and every other limb,
flows the same life force. So too, in this universe, which is the body
of God, every being is a part, sustained by the same divine essence. So
honour everyone, revere the essential Divine.
Saturday, 3 November 2012
Thought for the Day
The very first lesson I gave when I declared My Identity at Uravakonda
was: "Maanasa Bhajare Gurucharanam, Dusthara Bhava Saagara Tharanam."
That is to say: First know that you are in this cycle of birth and
death, the ocean of worldly life (bhava saagaram); then resolve on
crossing it (tharanam); then fix on a Guru or the Name and Form of God
which appeals to you; lastly, dwell on His Glory, do bhajan, but do it
with all your mind. He, who is deluded by this relative reality is the
worldly person (samsaari); he who is aware that it is only relatively
real is the spiritual practitioner (saadhaka)
Friday, 2 November 2012
Thought for the Day
The best means to stay in contact with the Higher Self at all times, is
to follow the simple exercise of Namasmarana, the repetition of any one
of the Names of the Lord; a Name that signifies the glory that lies
embedded in every being. People indulge in all types of purposeless
gossip, conversations and scandal. Many find time and interest in these
degrading pursuits. But they have no inclination to awaken the Divine in
them by constant remembrance of the Creator and His Splendour. See only
those scenes that will foster this discipline; speak only of elevating
and uplifting subjects; listen only to purifying topics; think and feel
only pure thoughts and emotions. That is the way to develop the Divinity
inherent in each one.
Thursday, 1 November 2012
Thought for the Day
It is true that milk contains butter; sesame seeds contain oil; cane
yields sugar. But by merely holding milk in the hand, you cannot get
butter; filling the lamp with sesame seeds you cannot light the wick,
shaking the cane will not result in a shower of sugar. By placing sweets
on a plate in front of you and reciting 108 times "sweets, sweets.."
can your tongue relish it? Similarly you study many holy books, and
chant mantras and hymns. Of course, the time spent in these activities
is thereby rendered holy. But, these are not helping you to transform
the work you are engaged in into an offering acceptable to God. Are you
putting into practice at least one percent of what you read or recite?
Mere reading and singing will not free you from the cycle of birth and
death. God has to be planted firmly in the mind, the omnipresent God has
to be enshrined in the heart; God has to flow with the blood in the
veins. God has to be visualised through the inner eye.
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Thought for the Day
Millions read and write; millions have qualified for degrees and have
become experts and specialists. This only means that they are efficient
collectors of information or big encyclopaedias of general knowledge!
But none can say, who one really is. People try to fly millions of miles
into space, but they are powerless to travel even half an inch into
their own inner realm and discover what lies therein. What is the use
then, of the vast amount of exertion and energy they have spent for
their education? True learning must be like that of ancient India, where
knowledge and scientific temper was developed and practised along with
sense and mind control, and character development. That will be
beneficial to the individual, the society and lead to the progressive
unfolding of the Divinity present in every being.
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
Thought for the Day
Proceed ever towards strength (balam). Do not take to untruth,
wickedness, and crookedness – all of which denotes a fundamental fatal
trait of cowardice and weakness (bala heenam). Weakness is born of
accepting as true, a lower image of yourself than what the facts
warrant. That is the main mistake. You believe you are the husk, but you
really are the kernel. All spiritual practices must be directed to the
removal of the husk and the revelation of the kernel. So long as you
say, ”I am so and so”, there is bound to be fear. Once you say and feel
“I am Divine” (Aham Brahmasmi), you get unconquerable strength.
Monday, 29 October 2012
Thought for the Day
Illusion is like a fierce dog that will not allow anyone to near its
Master, God. You can easily manage to by-pass it by assuming the Form of
the Master which is called Sarupyam or by calling out to the Master so
loudly that He comes down and accompanies you into the house; that is to
say, by winning His Grace as proximity, Saameepyam. Illusion is His pet
and so will not harm you, if He orders not to. Illusion is the blemish
that affects the mind. The Master comes to save not just one good person
from Illusion, but the whole of mankind. Of course, He has to come
assuming a form that man can love, revere, and appreciate.
Thursday, 18 October 2012
Grama Seva covered puttaparthy village today
Today Students covered Puttaparthi village and it was the third day of Grama Seva.
Veda Purusha Saptaha Jnana Yajna started
The Seven Day Veda Purusha Saptaha Jnana Yajna got underway in Poornachandra Auditorium this morning .
Other Excellent Performance by UK team
Devotees from the UK offered a special Musical Offering yesterday in Prasanthi Nilayam. Roopa Panesar again showed her talent in music-especially Sitar.All the listeners enjoyed the program and gave big clap.After the wonderful performance youth from the UK continued with a medley of fast bhajans, singing with devotional exhuberance.
Thought for the Day
Cleanse the heart with the water of love and the detergents of prayer
and contrition, so that the stains of desire will be removed. Then God
will pour His Grace into it. If you yearn for God, you should give up
attachment to the external world and to the body (Loka bhranthi and Deha
bhranthi). There is no use trying to put one foot in one boat and
another in a different boat. You may have been a spiritual aspirant for
20 or 25 years, but if you worry more about physical needs and comforts
than meditation and spiritual progress, then the years of practice is of
no value, as there has been no progress. The waving of the camphor
flame (aarti) at the end of the prayer or bhajan session is to remind
you that your sensual cravings must be burnt away without leaving any
trace behind. You must offer yourself completely to God, to be merged in
His Glory.
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Thought for the Day
A merchant was once brought before a magistrate for selling adulterated
ghee (clarified butter). Judgment was pronounced and as a punishment he
was asked to either consume the entire quantity of the foul ghee or
receive 20 whips or pay a fine of 100 gold coins. He preferred the ghee
and started drinking the stuff a little bit, but finding the smell
unbearable, he then chose the stripes. He received a few but could not
stand any more. So finally he pleaded with the magistrate to let him go
with the fine and paid his dues. If only he had opted for this
initially, he could have avoided the foul drink and the excruciating
pain. By swaying in his decision, he had to taste the wreck and the rod.
So too, most people do not opt for God in the beginning when grief
overpowers them. They do not recognize the inevitability but eventually
come to God, sooner or later. Make your choices wisely
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
Thought for the Day
Like the silkworm that spins from out of itself the cocoon that proves
to be its tomb, man spins from out of his mind the cage in which he gets
trapped eventually. But there is a way of escape, which the spiritual
teacher (Guru) can teach you or which the God in you will reveal to you.
Take to the spiritual practices that will bring you relief. Forget the
past; do not worry about possible errors or disappointments. Decide and
Do. Substitute good thoughts for the bad and cleanse the mind of all
evil by dwelling on righteous deeds and holy thoughts. Forget the things
you do not want to remember and bring to memory only those things that
are worth remembering. Take on the role of the Hero from now on, not the
Zero. This is a sure way to achieve spiritual progress.
Monday, 15 October 2012
Thought for the Day
If only the agony and toil now being experienced by you to accumulate
the symbols of wealth and power for keeping yourself and your family in
comfort, are directed towards God, you can be infinitely happier. The
veil of maya (illusion), however, hides from you the face of God which
is shining from every being and thing around you. Maya creates the
universe and attracts the mind with the vast paraphernalia of the
objective world. It is a narthaki, an enchantress who entices the
intelligence and traps the senses. This na-rtha-ki can be subdued by
ki-rtha-na (note the re-ordering of the syllables). Kirthana is the
concentrated contemplation of the glory of God.
Sunday, 14 October 2012
Thought for the Day
A small lump of steel can become a beautiful and efficient watch through
the application of intelligence and skill. Can not a human being be
transformed into one who has realised the Ultimate through the
application of the tools of discrimination and detachment? Have faith in
yourself, your own capacity to adhere to a strict time-table of
sadhana, your own ability to reach the goal of realisation. When you
have no faith in the wave, how can you get faith in the ocean? Do not
give ear to what others say. Believe your experience; what gives you
peace and joy, the bliss of Aathma anandham - the joy of the Inner Self.
Believe in that. That is the real basis for faith
Saturday, 13 October 2012
Thought for the Day
Meditate upon the flute of Krishna and the melody it aroused in the
veins of mankind, animals, birds, plants and even hills, rivers and
rocks on sand dunes. Dwell also on the supreme love of the Gopis, their
surrender of everything, gross and subtle, of ego and egoistic
attachment at the feet of the Supreme Being. They spoke no word except
prayer, they moved no step, except towards God, they saw and heard only
Krishna in every being, they spoke every word of Him, to Him, no matter
who was present with them. Lord Krishna filled their hearts and
transmuted them into the most self-effacing group of devotees the world
has ever seen. And know that the Lord’s assurance, "Yogakshemam
Vahaamyaham" (I shall take care of the well being of My devotees) is no
empty declaration; it is the vow of the Lord, and He is the very
embodiment of Truth.
Friday, 12 October 2012
Sai Jyothi Offers Medley Of Sai Devotionals
The visiting UK group “Sai Jyothi” presented a medley of devotional songs this evening in Prasanthi Nilayam. Beginning with an instrumental playing to the tune of “Vande Uma
Nandanam” invoking Lord Ganesha, the presentation progressed into a
Hindi solo by Kaviraj Singh Dhadyalla followed by a medley of
devotionals in English.
Thought for the Day
The best among men is one who has compassion; the most blessed time is
the 'present', this very second, and the best act is to relieve the pain
and grief of others. You decide to start Naamasmarana (remembrance of
the Divine Name) ‘next Thursday’, as if death has assured you in writing
that he will not call on you till that date. Do not postpone what you
can do today or do now, this very moment. Make your efforts towards your
goal. The goal will near you faster than the pace with which you near
the goal. God is as eager to save you as you are eager to be saved. He
is Love, He is Compassion for all who flounder on the path. God grants
the desires of each one of His devotees, and hence has won the name,
Bhaktha Abheeshta Pradha.
Thursday, 11 October 2012
Musical Program-Sai Anandam
The group Sai Jyothi from UK, offered a classical musical
presentation entitled ‘Sai Anandam’,in Sai Kulwanth Hall this evening.It was an amazing program by Sri Sathya Sai
Seva Organization UK.Sai Anandam had
- Roopa Panesar on Sitar,
- Kirpal Singh Panesar on Tar Shehnai,
- Kaviraj Singh Dhadyalla on Santoor and Vocals,
- Gurdian Singh Rayatt on Tabala.
Bhajans ended with the “Madhura Madhura Ghana Muraleedhara
Shyama…” in Bhagawan’s own voice. Mangala Arathi was offered at 18.15 hrs.
Thought of Mahatma Gandhi
- When you are confronted with an opponent. Conquer him with love.
- God alone is the judge of true greatness because He knows men's hearts.
- The good man is the friend of all living things.
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
Thought for the Day
When you feed the cow with fermented gruel so that it may yield more
milk, the milk emits an unpleasant smell. When you engross yourself too
much with the trifles of the world, your character and conduct will also
become unpleasant. It would indeed be tragic to witness the downfall of
a ‘child of immortality’, struggling in despair and distress. If only
you were to ask yourself: “What are my qualifications? What is my
position? What are the opportunities I am bestowed with?” Then you will
soon realize your own downfall and make efforts to recover. Will a
tiger, however hungry eat popcorn or peanuts? Stay focussed on the goal
worthy of your lineage. Never slacken the effort, whatever be the
obstacle, however long the journey. Keep your efforts on, in line with
the dignity of your noble goals.
Monday, 8 October 2012
Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand Parthi Teertha Yatra
This evening hundreds of Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand people conducting Parthi Yathra here.
Sunday, 7 October 2012
Thought for the Day
If your thoughts are centred around the body, you will have worries of
pains and illnesses, real or imaginary. If they are centred on riches,
you will be worried about profit and loss, tax and exemptions. If they
roam round fame, then, you are bound to suffer from the ups and downs of
scandal, calumny and jealousy. So let them centre round the seat of
power and love which deserve willing submission - the Name of the Lord.
Let your whole being surrender to it. Then you will be happy forever.
For the sages of the Vedic culture, the Name of the Lord was the very
breath; they lived on the sustenance, which contemplation of the Lord’s
glory provided. God is the very embodiment of Love. He can be won only
through Love.
Saturday, 6 October 2012
Thought for the Day
When worship is rendered with a
view to fulfill desires and realize wishes, the precious prize will be
lost. Worship must cleanse the heart, so that God, the Indweller, may
shine in all His glory. Know that desires tarnish the heart, instead of
cleansing it. Invite a prince, who is yet a child to sit on the throne –
he will start weeping, for he cannot play on the throne with his toys
and pets. The adults would sneer at the boy’s fondness for toys, they
would call it childishness. So too, all those, who keep away from the
throne of ‘Sovereignty over themselves’ and prefer to play with the toys
and pets of material things are equally childish, no matter what their
age or status is
Friday, 5 October 2012
Thought for the Day
Repeating the Name of God saved Prahladha from the agony of torture. He
learnt the Sacred Name and understood its sweetness. He chanted it
constantly and internalized its nectarine taste. When the enraged
elephant rushed towards him, he did not call out for his physical
parents to rescue him; he instantaneously cried out ”Narayana”. The Lord
is the source of strength for the weak and the strong; He is the
Supreme Power. When Prahladha took the Name of the Lord, enraged
elephants backed out, no fire could touch him and no poison could affect
him. The Lord’s Name was his armour, his shield, his breath, infact his
very life. For chanting the Divine Name, no expense is involved, no
materials are needed, no special place or time is required. Scholarship,
caste or creed does not matter. When a piece of iron is rubbed on a
slab of stone, heat is generated. So too, in order to generate
sufficient heat to melt the soft heart of the Lord, repeat the Divine
Name vigorously and constantly. Then, the Lord will shower His Grace.
Thursday, 4 October 2012
Thought for the Day
The tree of life can yield the fruit of bliss only when it is watered
with virtue and fed on faith. Provision of food, clothing, and shelter
will not ensure peace and joy; they can come only through virtue and
faith. Virtue alone can endow love and sympathy. We are now putting the
cart (the body) before the horse (mind) and providing for the safety and
strength of the cart alone. The horse (mind) is allowed to grow wild or
is starved. Harmony at home and in society can be brought about only
through the recognition of the Oneness of All. Virtues alone can endow
love and sympathy, peace and joy for one and all.
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
Thought of Mahatma Gandhi
Thought for the Day
In the firmament of the heart, the intellect (sun) and the mind (moon)
revolve on their regular courses. If envy, greed, hate or malice dim the
glory, they are to be dismissed as passing clouds that cannot affect
the sources of light. The more you reason out things, the clearer will
become the reality. Reasoning power will never hinder the discovery of
the Truth; only you have to go as far as reason can take you; then you
can see the vast vistas beyond. Man has been endowed with enormous,
immeasurable talents, skills and power; but is using all that to travel
to the moon, instead of journeying towards the wonderland of one’s own
inner realms, where one can come face to face with God who is the Inner
Reality of this entire phenomenal world.
Tuesday, 2 October 2012
Thought of Mahatma Gandhi
International Peace
I do not believe that an individual may gain spiritually and those that surround him suffer. I believe in
advaita. I believe in the essential unity of man and for that
matter of all that lives. Therefore I believe that if one man gains
spiritually, the whole world gains with him and, if one man falls, the
whole world falls to that extent.
Thought for the Day
A glowing electric lamp can be compared to Prema (Love). For the lamp of
love to burn, there should be a bulb, which is Shanthi (peace). The
electric wire connected to the bulb is Dharma (Right Conduct). The
current flowing into the wire is Sathya (Truth). Thus, the lamp of love
glows and sheds its light, using all other human values. Sathya, Dharma,
Santhi and Prema constitute a single whole and not separate values. All
the four values have to be adhered to equally. Prema must express
itself in professional life too. Develop the feeling that all in your
place of work - managers, workers and others are members of one family.
Develop fraternal feelings towards all. With mutual love and regard,
harmony can be achieved even in one’s profession.
Monday, 1 October 2012
Thought for the Day
You see and hear certain things during the day. But when you go to bed
and dream during sleep, you are not aware of all this; you see and
experience a new set of events, which seem as real, as impressive, and
as significant as those you witnessed when awake. And when in deep
sleep, nothing ‘is’, except probably the inner consciousness that you
are. When you dream, the dream is real; when awake, the waking
experience is as real as the dream was. The fact is, it is all a dream, a
creation of the mind when the Atma (the true self) is reflected on it.
Remove that mind, then there will be nothing on which the Atma reflects.
The Atma shall then shine in its own splendour. Jnana (Wisdom) is
passing from the dream stage to the waking stage, and realising the
dream to be unreal. Seek the springs of bliss within you and happiness
will be your lot, here and forever. Believe that the bliss within you is
derived from God who is your Reality.
Sunday, 30 September 2012
Thought for the Day
You must expand your love as much as you can. That is how kulaabhimanam,
mathaabhimanam and deshaabimanam - affection for one’s community, one’s
religion and one’s country becomes desirable and commendable. If,
instead of love, these create hatred towards other communities,
religions and countries, then they become poisonous. Love your religion,
such that you may practice it with greater faith! When each one
practices one’s religion with faith, there can be no hatred in this
world, for all religions are built on the principle of universal love.
Let the purity which you are manifest itself; endeavour to express it in
your activities - that is what pleases Me and wins My grace.
Saturday, 29 September 2012
Thought for the Day
The Government, the administration and the people (prabhuthwam,
adhikaaris and praja) are like the three blades of an electric fan; when
all three rotate together in the same direction and at the same speed,
they conduce to comfort. Anger, malice, greed, envy - all these are
obstacles in the path of love and cooperation. They lower man from the
Divine to the animal level. Bear with others with patience and
understanding; practise forbearance and sympathy. Try to discover points
of contact rather than that of conflict. Spread brotherliness and
deepen kindness through knowledge. Then without fail, life shall become
Friday, 28 September 2012
Thought for the Day
When a few tiny stones get mixed in rice and get between the teeth, one
laments in disgust that the plate of rice is but a plate of stones. It
is human nature to exaggerate in order to create an impression. Often,
people treat joy as incidental and insignificant and dwell more on grief
and pain. Do not give in during times of trouble. The root-cause for
losses, troubles, poverty and difficulties is the loss of
self-confidence and enthusiasm. The secret of strength and courage lies
within you. Good people and well-wishers imbued with spontaneity,
sacrifice and a spirit of detachment are very much present amongst us.
Have faith and do not despair or lose faith in yourself or God. With
sincere faith, act, speak and think in a manner that God is pleased and
surrender yourself to Him completely. Be pure, be simple, be sincere
and He will answer your agonising call.
Thursday, 27 September 2012
Samoohika Upanayana Brahmopadesha Mahothsavam Conducted
Sacred Samoohika Upanayanam ceremony was conducted in the divine presence of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba at Sai Kulwanth Hall this morning.Around one thosand participants(boys) from all over the South India took part in this grand ceremony.The program started at 8.00 AM with the Vedam recital. The participants were allocated to sit along with both their parents to perform pooja at Kulwanth Hall.The program ended with Bhajans and Arathi at 11.30 AM .
There was a feast arranged at south Indian Canteen for all the devotees after the program.The entire program was conducted by Sri Sathya Sai Organization Karnataka.
There was a feast arranged at south Indian Canteen for all the devotees after the program.The entire program was conducted by Sri Sathya Sai Organization Karnataka.
Thought for the Day
There are some people, who always condemn themselves and their lives,
and aspire for the grace of God to save them. They think that jeeva
(individual) and Deva (Almighty) are two separate entities and can never
merge or unite. This is untrue. Sin is not the real nature of human
beings. They are repositories of peace, joy, truth and justice and are
pure, good, loving and wise. Endeavour to express through your actions,
the purity that you are. This pleases the Lord and He will shower His
grace. Pray for even those who express greed or hate, sympathize with
their ignorance and pray that their steps may be directed towards
justice and love. Expand your love to as wide a circle as possible.
Prayer has great efficacy. Cultivate the universal vision and pray for
the peace and happiness of all mankind, of all animate and inanimate
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Thought for the Day
of indulging in vain prattle, glorify God and walk in His path and pray
to Him. Spend the allotted span of years in the contemplation and the
adoration of the Almighty, not in servile praise of the feeble, the
futile and the weak. Life is an opportunity afforded to each, not to
merely eat and drink, but to achieve something nobler and grander: to
master oneself and merge in the Reality. The discipline must come from
within, not from without; people must control themselves through their
own innate strength, not get controlled through fear of someone or
desire for temporary gain. Self-control promotes self-reliance,
self-knowledge and self-advancement.
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Maha Sahasra Kalashabhishekam & Samoohika Upanayana Brahmopadesha Mahothsavam
A Maha Sahasra Kalashabhishekam is scheduled for tomorrow morning in the Sai Kulwant Hall.
A significant feature of the program is that, Water collected from all sacred rivers of India, collected in thousand containers, will be offered at the Divine Lotus Feet during the occasion, as part of the rituals.
Samoohika Upanayana Brahmopadesha Mahothsavam is scheduled for day after tomorrow morning.Lot of students from Sri Sathya Sai Institute are doing their Upanayanam on the occasion
A significant feature of the program is that, Water collected from all sacred rivers of India, collected in thousand containers, will be offered at the Divine Lotus Feet during the occasion, as part of the rituals.
Samoohika Upanayana Brahmopadesha Mahothsavam is scheduled for day after tomorrow morning.Lot of students from Sri Sathya Sai Institute are doing their Upanayanam on the occasion
Thought for the Day
The body is the temple of God, He is the resident of the heart, and
intelligence (Buddhi) is the lamp that is lit in its altar. Protect the
lamp and its glow from the wind that blows through the windows of the
senses and threatens to put them out. Close the windows, do not keep
them open for dire attraction from objects. Keep your intellect sharp,
so that it may cut the mind into a diamond and convert it into a blaze
of light, instead of being a dull pebble. Discrimination is an important
instrument of spiritual progress. Attachment, affection, and interests -
these create prejudice, partiality, and illusion. They hide the truth
and dull the intelligence. The reasoning faculty must be employed to
distinguish between the limited and the unlimited, the temporary and the
Monday, 24 September 2012
Thought for the Day
This is an ancient observation true even today – that most people spend
their childhood in pranks and play, their youth in sports, pleasure and
pastime, middle age in plans and schemes to pile up a fortune, and old
age in hospitals trying to bolster failing health through failing
wealth. Earning and spending, one fills their time with work and worry.
People are busy with a number of attempts to earn happiness, but success
is little and short-lived. The only panacea for all ills, the effort
that will result in total victory is the control of the mind, which is
the master of the senses. Every sense organ is an outlet for energy that
binds one to the objective world. The senses are induced by the mind to
move out and attach themselves to objects. You must make the mind
submit to viveka (wisdom), which discriminates between right and wrong.
Then the mind, instead of harming, will help you.
Sunday, 23 September 2012
Thought for the Day
Those who plan to raise the standard of living today are watering the branches, the leaves and the blossoms of the tree of life. Instead, to nurture the tree, you must foster and water the root. So too, to lead a good life, you must foster and water the virtues, which are the roots, so that the flowers of actions, words and thoughts may bloom in fragrance and yield the fruit of service (seva), and the sweet juice of joy (ananda). Planning for food, clothing and shelter is only promoting the well-being of the cart. Also plan for the horse, which is the mind. The mind has to use the food, the clothing, the shelter and other objects in the Universe for the high purpose of escaping from the bonds of the ego to the Universal.
Saturday, 22 September 2012
Thought for the Day
Statesmen and elected representatives declare that they are trying their
best to develop the resources, natural and human, and to provide on the
basis of those resources, food, clothing, shelter, education,
employment, security and health to the people. But the development of
the moral and spiritual resources are neglected and the provision of
peace and spiritual happiness is ignored. Happiness and peace do not
necessarily follow when people are fed and clothed well, comfortably
housed and highly educated, well employed or when there is no injury to
health or security. There are quite a large number of people who have
all these in plenty but are yet worried, in pain or discontented. Peace
and happiness depend on what lies within and not on outer skill or
riches. Every being is fundamentally Divine and so, the more one
manifests the divine attributes of Love, Justice, Truth and Peace, the
more joy one shall be able to give and receive.
Friday, 21 September 2012
Thought for the Day
To protect valuables, jewels, legal documents and precious metals like
silver and gold from thieves, you go to the banks and deposit them in
the safe vaults or lockers. Thus, you dismiss the anxiety in your minds,
are freed from worry and are able to sleep in peace at your homes. So
too, you must surrender to the Lord, your jewels of intelligence,
brilliance and capacity to serve. Most importantly, you attach a lot of
value to your ego – leave it also to His care. Then you will be very
happy. In the Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna advises Arjuna – Maam Ekam
Sharanam Vraja - Surrender to Me alone. Then, He assures, Maa suchah -
You need not grieve at all.
Thursday, 20 September 2012
Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Mandir, Hyderabad Present A Dance Program
Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Mandir, Hyderabad presented a dance program this evening.The program entitled "Sri Sathya Sai Natya Malika".
Thought for the Day
It is always preferable to approach God for the fulfilment of your
wants, rather than cringe before others, who themselves are but tools in
the hands of God. In his own silent way, God will transform the mind
and turn it towards spiritual practices and successful spiritual
pilgrimage. He cannot allow his children to lose their way and suffer in
the jungle. When you approach God and seek his help and guidance, you
have taken the first step to save yourself. You are then led to accept
His will as your own. Thus, you achieve peace. God draws you to Him to
re-form and re-shape you. God is a kind of smith, who repairs broken,
leaky, and damaged ‘human-ware’. He is adept at fixing broken hearts,
fragile minds, warped intellects, feeble resolutions and fading faith.
Come to Him with hands that salute in prayer, hands that are eager to
serve. Then, He fills them with loads of Grace.
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
Balvikas of Puttaparthi present a cultural program.
The program named as "Sathya Sai Parijatalu" and this is the maiden cultural presentation by the Balvikas of Puttaparthi. Hundred children from in and
around the village participated in the presentation.The presentation had beautiful interludes of song and dance sequences, heralding the glory of Sri Sathya Sai Avatar. The presentation ended with giving Bhagawan’s message of Love and Service to all.
Musical Program In Sai Kulwanth Hall
This morning students present devotional music interlaced with instrumental and dance for forty-five minutes in Sai Kulwanth Hall.
Thought for the Day
Lord Vinayaka is the leader of all, He has no leaders or master.
Whenever a new task is undertaken, it is customary to invoke Lord
Vinayaka’s blessings for the successful completion of the task. When you
pray to Him and seek His blessings, all your efforts will meet with
success. Lord Vinayaka’s elephant-head denotes that He can be compared
to an elephant in intelligence, which always thinks twice before setting
its foot forward. Lord Vinayaka is full of wisdom. The name Ganapati
denotes that He is full of vijnana (higher wisdom), sujnana
(discriminatory wisdom), and prajnana (constant integrated awareness).
People today forget the underlying meaning in the name Ganapati and
engage themselves in mere rituals. You may not perform any rituals, but
never give up worshipping Lord Vinayaka.
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
Puttaparthy will celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi tomorrow
Here People will celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi tomorrow,and they are placing variety of Ganesh statues in each corner.
This morning students from Sri Sathya Sai Institute Of Higher Learning offered a bouquet of devotional hymns in Sai Kulwant Hall.
In the evening, Balvikas Children from Puttaparthi will present a Veda chanting session followed by a Dance Drama entitled “Parthi Parijathamulu”.
This morning students from Sri Sathya Sai Institute Of Higher Learning offered a bouquet of devotional hymns in Sai Kulwant Hall.
In the evening, Balvikas Children from Puttaparthi will present a Veda chanting session followed by a Dance Drama entitled “Parthi Parijathamulu”.
Thought for the Day
The word Dhanam (wealth) means any valued possession, an object of
affection. It does not merely mean riches and precious metals. The most
valued possession of human beings is Self-Knowledge. Arjuna earned this,
and hence was called ‘Dhananjaya’. Anyone can earn riches or money –
even crooks, dacoits and pirates amass money. True wealth, worthy of
deposits in the Divine Bank, is earned only by those who struggle to be
virtuous, detached, humble and holy. Do not underestimate the value of
this deposit. Your meritorious noble deeds, your purity, the selfless
love that you manifest with your fellow beings – bring to God these
precious commodities and He will readily accept them as deposits to your
Monday, 17 September 2012
Thought for the Day
When a man is suffering from the effects of cobra-bite, they give him
chillies to chew; the idea is that the ailing person will not feel the
spicy taste, if the poison is still in his system. So too, when the
poison of worldly sensualism is there, worship, japam (contemplation),
and dhyanam (meditation) - all of this will taste drab and dismal. Above
all, insist on the senses obeying you when you command them to desist
from dragging you. Or else you are like a car without a brake. With the
senses under control, your intelligence will become clear to reflect
the Glory of God that pervades the Universe. That is the teaching of
the scriptures. Steady faith alone can help you earn victory. Hold on
till the realization is rewarded to you.
Sunday, 16 September 2012
Thought for the Day
Be firm to not discard the one Name and Form you have selected
carefully; even if someone speaks ill about them. Hold fast to your
chosen deity and save yourselves. At the same time, do not cavil at
others’ chosen deities. Undermining the faith of another or disturbing
your own - both are wrong. Faith is a plant of slow growth. Its roots go
deep into the heart. Silence is the best spiritual practice to guard
faith. Hence I insist that you adopt this as the first and most
important step in your spiritual journey. The Lord’s feet, eyes and face
is compared to the Lotus, because He is like the Lotus - unaffected by
the environment it is in. You too, must be smiling at all times,
imparting joy to all around you and making their burden lighter.
Saturday, 15 September 2012
Thought for the Day
When you are in need of money, you can borrow capital from banks, that
is, if you mortgage land, jewels or property you have earned or
inherited from parents or ancestors. The Divine Banker also lets you to
draw upon the deposits made through noble acts from previous births.
That is why, at times, you find some people, who are wicked and cruel,
mean and miserly, appear to lead happy lives, free from pain and grief.
These are drawn upon from deposits made in the past and they are
entitled to that happiness. Overdrafts or loans help you tide over
temporary crisis and will be available only in proportion to the value
of mortgages or deposits. In the Divine Bank, you can be fully protected
from distress and grief when you earn the Grace of God (Anugraha).
Engage in noble deeds, good thoughts, good feelings, and good company
and be in constant contemplation of the Divine, God’s Grace will be
showered on you.
Friday, 14 September 2012
Thought for the Day
In spite of warnings, admonitions, advice and appeals that one should
not submerge themselves in the trivial and the transitory, people are
still drawn towards misery by defects in their understanding. Hatred,
greed, factions and fights are prevalent because God is discarded as
superfluous or as superstition. The scriptures are the records of the
thoughts and experiences of pure and unprejudiced love-filled seekers of
truth. You will do well, if you trust them. They clearly explain the
following tenets: Love alone prevails, Detachment is your true wealth,
Unity alone is the truth and God alone should be your goal in life. Just
as when light from the oil-based lamp gets dull, its wick is adjusted
or fuel is added, it is about time the nobler and higher impulses of all
human beings are invigorated. That alone will save you from calamity.
You must desire for your liberation from the bonds you have woven around
Thursday, 13 September 2012
Unforgettable Moments-Sathya Sai Baba and Sachin Tendulkar
Sathya Sai Baba and Sachin Tendulkar on the match between India XI vs World XI at the hillview stadium in Puttaparthi.
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